Cranberry-Raspberry Ice
1 1/2 quarts cranberry-raspberry juice 2 packets gelatin 1 1/2 cups fresh or frozen whole raspberries (if frozen, don't thaw the berries before using, to maintain their shape)
Optional Garnish: 4 teaspoons finely chopped fresh mint and sprinkling of freshly ground black pepper.
Two days before serving, heat 1 cup cranberry-raspberry juice in small saucepan and stir in gelatin until completely dissolved. Add to the rest of juice and mix well. Pour into 2 (1 gallon size) freezer bags. Freeze overnight. Following day, let stand 15 minutes and place in mixing bowl. Beat until smooth. Return to freezer bags; Freeze overnight. To serve, spoon ice into individual serving dishes and garnish with raspberries or scoop into small paper cones for kids. Adults might enjoy cranberry-raspberry ice garnish with finely chopped mint leaves and fresh ground black pepper.
Yield: 8 to 10 servings